A Texas high school assignment on “chivalry” that told female students to “obey any reasonable request of a male” and to dress to “please” male students, has been pulled.

The task had required students in the Shallowater Independent School District (SISD), in Lubbock County, to follow a set of rules for “Chivalry Day.”

A photo, purporting to show the details of the assignment, was posted on Twitter on Wednesday. It showed a list of 11 tasks that girls would have to perform.

Female students were asked to “dress in a feminine manner to please the men,” “not complain or whine” and “obey any reasonable request of a male,” according to the picture.

Other duties girls were expected to carry out included walking behind men “as if their feet were bound,” “clean up after the men” and “bring in root beer, ginger ale or sparkling cider for the gentlemen in their class.”

Here’s a really … interesting … assignment on chivalry from @shallowaterisd. They are requiring the female students to lower their heads and curtsy for men; clean up after men; cook for and bring a drink to the men’s class. This goes on for the entire day … even at home. pic.twitter.com/i81Zr2iAva

— Brandi D. Addison Davis 🗞 (@BrandiDAddison) March 3, 2021

A copy of the letter shared on Twitter.

According to the assignment: “All ladies deemed worthy of the honor by the gentlemen will receive 10 points for every signature at the end of the day. Fathers and other adult males must insist on following the rules into the evening and may report to the judges (redacted) on these matters.”

Each duty would need to be signed off by adults to confirm they had carried out the task.

The stated purpose of the assignment was to demonstrate “to the school how the code of chivalry and standards set in the medieval concept of courtly love carries over into the modern day.”

The meaning of chivalry has changed throughout the years. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the word was used in Medieval Europe as a term for armored knights on horseback and the code that governed their conduct.

“Nowadays, when we say that chivalry is not dead, we are alluding to the high standard of character and conduct typically associated with gallant knights,” it says.

The school district said it had decided to remove the assignment after conducting a review. In a statement to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal newspaper, it said its officials had spoken about the issue with the teacher who gave the assignment.

“This assignment has been reviewed, and despite its historical context, it does not reflect our district and community values,” the statement read.

“The matter has been addressed with the teacher, and the assignment was removed.”

It was not immediately clear whether male students were given a similar assignment by the teacher and if they would also have a checklist to complete.

Newsweek has contacted the school district for further comment.

SISD operates five schools in the area: Shallowater Elementary, Shallowater Intermediate, Shallowater Middle, Shallowater High and Woodward Academy.

In 2011, the Texas Education Agency rated the school district as exemplary.

Girls were told to obey male requests
Students were told they would need an adult to sign a list to confirm that girls had carried out the tasks. shironosov/iStock